Anyways let’s start with the menstrual cycle. The option to give your Sim a blood type and/or blood disorder. These are also illnesses you can get irl. I've been slowly collecting mods to play again and have noticed drama around beastiality for the Sims 4, with no mods on this site and only animations for it which I thought was strange at first. More illnesses of various severity and symptoms, plus some are contagious. I'm not 100 clear on the drama and haven't played Sims 4 for years until recently. Since people don't stop bugging me about a discord server, this will be the only tier to access my private one. Not in the mood of finding a description for this. No mod is ever going behind a paywall, the donation is completely voluntary. Anyways, I Hope You Enjoyed Reading This Stupidly Long Desc. There is:RH Positive and RH NegativeBoth of them are A, B, O, and AB, the RH factor determines whether positive or negative.I also added some blood disorders, there is currently four of them in the game. Added a Blood Donor and an Organ Donor career. Give your Sim any of these in the pie menu.